Saturday, July 14, 2012

God Cares School- Primary


This is what you feel when you enter God Cares Nursery and Primary School.

Friday was our first day at the school. We were about to be taken on a tour and then the Baby, Middle and Top classes were dismissed for break. Every single one of us turned and opened our arms for the 3-6 year olds running towards us. We all at least 5 kids trying to hold on to our hands. it was fun.

Wednesday we had stopped by Dongo's church to pick up water, this is where I met the cutest little girl. I can't remember her name because I have been hearing a lot of names the past three days. She is in the baby class, and came running to me when she saw me. It reminded me of picking Riley up from daycare. Everytime she saw me, she gave me a huge hug.

I spent most of my time on Friday with two lovely girls, Daniella and Sonia, who are in the highest grade. They must pass a test to move onto the high school. They are very excited. They should me all around the school. As we walked through their classrooms they told me about Africa. They were very smart and had high ambition to go onto the University after high school.

We were able to see the rehersal of a program the students will put on for their parents soon. Some classes sang songs, some recited poems, and others did traditional African dances.

Saturday has been my favorite day so far. We really got to interact with the kids. Since it was Saturday, the older kids were in classes most of the morning. This meant I was able to spend time with the younger kids, which is where my heart is at this time if my life.

I helped Carrie with crowd control during haircuts. I monitored the crayons, teaching them to trade one crayon for other color. I handed out cereal, a real treat for them, one piece of Chex at a time.

The little kids love just holding your hand and sitting with you. Mainly because they don't speak much English. Some do not learn it until they get to school. They also love braiding hair. So they took out my ponytail and began putting braids in my hair.

I did get to see Daniella and Sonia today. The surprised me by having letters for me ready. So I must remember to write letters for them before we head to the school on Monday morning.

I spent time painting the offices today, even though Pastor Dongo does not believe. So basically, if I wasn't playing with kids today, I was painting. This made for a long day. Top that off with not sleeping well, and I am one exhausted woman.

It is going to be very hard to leave this place. These kids are precious. They love the Lord. They pray to him for us. We have more than we need, they have very little, but yet they pray for us. It reminds me of the woman who have only two coins and the rich gave more, but she gave more to the Lord. They put more value on the walk with God than most of us. They thank him for their trails, because they know a time will come when they no longer have them. They are walking down the road not taken now. They know they will be better for it later.

Fatima is a very inspiring young lady. She was a street child. The praisesGod every day for her blessings. She wants to become a doctor, and then open an orphanage for other street kids. She thanked us over and over again for coming to Uganda and working on their school.

Again, I wonder, who is doing the ministering here?

I can give love, money, knowledge and some elbow grease. But they are the ones who are showing me how to truly trust in the power of prayer.

I am going to have to come back here again. Maybe not next year, but within the next five years. It would be nice to come back every other year.

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